I too was presented with an opportunity to embrace a perfect person in my world, and my position that humanity and all it’s mortal participants are imperfect was turned on its head; as one would imagine when love is at the center. To experience a moment of transcendence whence our person brushes up against the inimitable. When our spatio-temporal existential mind gets blown by the realization of something capable of breaking through the veil of our proud blindness to illuminate our citizenry amidst eternal perfection. Such moments are mind altering. Realization of perfection, movement towards the ideal, realization of your place in it all despite your own imperfections. Ahhhh, Love. Mankind's closest thing to the eternal nonpareil.
Perfect woman? Can such a person exist? Indeed, especially once you understand the nature of perfection. Exactly what is needed. This person completed me, challenged me, blessed me and drove me towards the perfection I know exists in the universe. The notion that perfection cannot be achieved is not only sadistic, but wholly unrealistic. Such a notion would not only cause us to give up the search, but hope eternal as well. That is indeed what I thought, it is indeed what I had been told, a truth I readily accepted and lived with until faced with this paragon. Perfect isn’t the person, it’s the relationship...It’s not how you feel or react emotionally, but how you willfully act purposefully, who they cause you to be. Haven’t found it yet? Here’s a clue...it’s you, not them. Sure there isn’t “perfect” by universal standards, but universal standards aren’t personal now are they? Perfection is finding someone who causes you to act like they are perfect. Perfect ? Sure it exists, keep looking. Happy Valentine’s Day to all, I hope you find your perfect mate. Step one; start looking in the right spot.
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